Far Eastern Mathematical Journal

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On 7-dimensional algebras of holomorphic vector fields in $ \Bbb C^4 $, having a 5-dimensional abelian ideal

Loboda A. V., Akopyan R. S., Krutskikh V. V.

2023, issue 1, P. 55-80
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47910/FEMJ202306

In connection with the problem of describing holomorphically homogeneous real hypersurfaces in $ \Bbb C^4 $ we study in this article the 7-dimensional orbits of real Lie algebras in this space. By the well-known Morozov theorem, any nilpotent 7-dimensional Lie algebra has at least a 4-dimensional Abelian ideal. The article considers nilpotent indecomposable 7-dimensional Lie algebras containing a 5-dimensional Abelian ideal. It is proved that in the space $ \Bbb C^4 $ all the orbits of such algebras are Levi degenerate. This statement covers 73 algebras from the complete list of 149 indecomposable 7-dimensional nilpotent Lie algebras.

homogeneous manifold, holomorphic function, vector field, Lie algebra, Abelian ideal.

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