To the calculation of plane stressed states of the theory of unsteady temperature stresses in elastoplastic bodies |
Burenin A.A., Kaing V., Tkacheva A.V. |
2018, issue 2, P. 131-146 |
Abstract |
On the example of the solution of the boundary value problem of the theory of temperature stresses about local heating and subsequent cooling of a circular plate made of elastoplastic material, the calculations of unsteady temperature stresses are compared either with or without allowance for the dependence of elastic moduli on temperature. It is shown that under the conditions of the dependence of the yield stress on temperature, the problem of calculating the planar temperature stresses under the condition of plastic flow of maximum tangential stresses turns out to be incorrect in its formulation, but it has a solution when using the conditions of the maximal reduced tangential stresses in the formulation and calculations. The conditions for the appearance of repeated plastic currents are noted and residual stresses are calculated. |
Keywords: elasticity, plasticity, thermal stresses, residual deformations, residual stresses |
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