On cylindrical minima of three-dimensional lattices |
A. A. Illarionov |
2011, issue 1, P. 37–47 |
Abstract |
Nonzero point $\gamma=(\gamma_1,\gamma_2,\gamma_3)$ of three-dimensional lattice $\Gamma$ is called by cylindrical minimum if there exist no nonzero point $\eta=(\eta_1,\eta_2,\eta_3)$ such as $$ \eta^2_1+\eta^2_2 \le \gamma^2_1+\gamma^2_2, \quad |\eta_3|\le |\gamma_3|, \quad |\gamma|<|\eta|. $$ \noinden It is proved that the average number of cylindrical minima of three-dimensional integer lattices with determinant from $[1;N]$ is equal $$ C?\ln N+O(1), $$ |
Keywords: minimum of lattice, multi-dimensional continuous fraction |
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References |
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