On the maximum of the Moebius invariant in the four disjoint domain problem |
D. A. Kirillova |
2010, issue 1, P. 41–49 |
Abstract |
Let $r(D,a)$ denote the conformal radius of the domain $D$ with respect to the point $a$. In this paper we obtain the supremum of the product $$ \prod_{k=1}^{4}\frac{r(D_{k},a_{k})}{|a_{k+1}-a_{k}|}, \quad a_{5}:=a_{1} $$ for all simply connected disjoint domains $D_{k}\subset\overline{\mathbb{C}}$ and points $a_{k}\in D_{k}$, $k=1,\ldots,4$. Using the method of interior variations due to $M$. Schiffer we establish the form of quadratic differential associated with extremal partition problem $\prod\limits_{k=1}^{n}r(D_{k},a_{k})|a_{k+1}-a_{k}|^{-1}\to\sup$ for arbitrary $n\ge 3$. For $n=4$ we studed the circle domains and their boundaries for the corresponding quadratic differential. |
Keywords: conformal radius, Moebius invariants, extremal partitions, quadratic differential |
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