Far Eastern Mathematical Journal

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Radiation Tomography and transport equation

D. S. Anikonov, A. E. Kovtanyuk, D. S. Konovalova, V. G. Nazarov, I. V. Prokhorov, I. P. Yarovenko

2008, issue 1, P. 5–18

Inverse problems for integro-differential radiative transfer equation with various boundary conditions have been considered in the paper. The problems are interpreted as problems of the X-ray and optical tomography. The results of the authors' investigations devoted to the problems of the attenuation coefficient determining and the equation coefficients discontinuity boundaries finding for 3D bounded domain are adduced as well as the results, concerning the problems of the refractive indices and optical thickness finding for an inhomogeneous layered medium.

radiation transport theory, boundary value problems, tomography

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