Far Eastern Mathematical Journal

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About distribution of flat one-dimensional waves and their interaction with barrier in the media differently reacting to a stretching and compression

O. V. Dudko, A. A. Lapteva, K. T. Semenov

2005, issue 1-2, P. 94–105

Features of distribution of boundary perturbations on the elastic media differently reacting to a stretching and compression are studied. One-dimensional cases of shock loading of elastic half-space and reflections of shock perturbations front from rigidly fixed and free boundary of the heterogeneous elastic layer are considered. It is shown, that boundary perturbations can result in occurrence of the shock waves based and moving layers of undeformed media. Speeds of shock waves movement and media points movings are calculated depending on spatial coordinate and time.

the heterogeneous elastic media, shock waves, problems of reflection from rigidly fixed and free boundary

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