Far Eastern Mathematical Journal

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The inverse problem for the Marchuk immunologic simplest model

G. P. Kuznetsova

2003, issue 1, P. 134–140

The identification problem for the parameters of the well-known Marchuc model is discussed in this paper. The methods for the solution of this inverse problem are proposed and the theorem of uniqueness is proved.


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[3] G. I. Marchuk, R. V. Petrov, Matematicheskaya model' protivovirusnogo immunnogo otveta, Preprint, Otdel vychislitel'noj matematiki AN SSSR, Moskva, 1981.
[4] G. P. Kuznecova, Pryamye i obratnye zadachi dlya matematicheskix modelej biosistem s uche?tom posledejstviya, Dissertaciya, IAPU DVO RAN, Vladivostok, 1998.

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