Far Eastern Mathematical Journal

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Algorithms of the information processing in the systems of movement control on a basis of the methods of adaptive nonlinear filtering, technologies of artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic and knowledge bases

O. S. Amosov

2003, issue 1, P. 52–70

Possibilities of the application of modern informative and computer technologies for realization of algorithms of information processing in systems of movement control of sea and aerial objects are considered. The filtering of coordinates and parameters of movement of objects in the conditions of a priori ambiguity is realize with assistance of adaptive nonlinear filters. The Bayesian algorithm for basis was taken. The numerical methods of digital realization of nonlinear filters on a basis of functions convolution and networks method are considered. Possibilities of neural networks, knowledge bases and fuzzy logic for decision of tracking tasks of running objects are considered. The algorithms, which were considered, are targeted for decision of tasks in real time with use of parallel and conveyer computing, neurocomputers.


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