Far Eastern Mathematical Journal

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Erratum to: Evaluation of the boiled water mass fraction during its heating by a laser heating element (2022, Volume 22, Number 2, Pages 164--166)

Chudnovskiy V.M., Guzev M.A.

2024, issue 1, P. 151-151
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47910/FEMJ202414

In the article of V.M. Chudnovskiy, M.A. Guzev Evaluation of the boiled water mass fraction during its heating by a laser heating element Far Eastern Mathematical Journal. 2022. V.22. No. 2. P. 164-166 an error was made. In conclusion you should read: «The experiment shows that only 2.8% of the water heated by laser heating near the fiber tip boiled up and turned into steam»


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