Far Eastern Mathematical Journal

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Finite-size scaling in ferromagnetic spin systems on the pyrochlore lattice

Soldatov K.S., Padalko M.A., Strongin V.S., Kapitan D.Yu., Vasiliev E.V., Rybin A.E., Kapitan V.Yu., Nefedev K.V.

2020, issue 2, P. 255–266
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47910/FEMJ202026

In this paper we present the results of the high-performance computations for the Ising model, the XY-model and the classical Heisenberg model for the pyrochlore lattice. We used Wolff and Swendsen-Wang cluster algorithms with GPU parallelization for the calculations. We obtained critical exponents and critical temperatures using finite-size scaling approach.

phase transitions, critical temperature, finite-size scaling, pyrochlore lattice, cluster algorithms

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