Rank analysis of computer programs |
Guzev M.A., Knyazeva M.A., Moskalev I.I., Nikitina E.Y. |
2020, issue 2, P. 155–163 DOI: https://doi.org/10.47910/FEMJ202017 |
Abstract |
This paper describes the application of the rank analysis method for formal languages on the example of the source codes of programs in the Java language. When describing the technology for compiling frequency dictionaries, attention is focused on how the presence of anaphoric content in computer programs is taken into consideration. When discussing the results, it was noted that the structural components of programs for various purposes correspond to certain areas of the graph of the dependence of rank on the frequency of occurrence of a lexeme. |
Keywords: rank distributions, Zipf's Low, formal languages, frequency dictionaries |
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