Far Eastern Mathematical Journal

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Solution of the problem of a wing oscillation in a supersonic gas flow

T. P. Arsent'ev, R. G. Barantsev

2007, issue 1-2, P. 30–34

The problem of a thin wing oscillation in a supersonic flow that was formulated in [1] is solved for all frequency intervals.

thin wing oscillation, supersonic gas flow, analytical solution, asymptotics for small and large frequencies.

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[1] R. G. Barancev, “Vliyanie kriticheskix chastot na postanovku zadachi o kolebanii tonkogo kryla v potoke gaza”, Dal'nevostochnyj matematicheskij zhurnal, 5:1 (2004), 226–230.
[2] Dzh. U. Majls, Potencial'naya teoriya neustanovivshixsya sverxzvukovyx techenij, Fizmatgiz, M., 1963, 272 s.
[3] R. G. Barancev, “Metod poryadkovyx uravnenij”, Dal'nevostochnyj matematicheskij zhurnal, 2:2 (2001), 5–9.
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